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Law of Attraction

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Running Down A Dream: Law of Attraction

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Law of Attraction

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Law of Attraction

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Running Down A Dream: Law of Attraction

Running Down A Dream

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Law of Attraction

How does time fly by so quickly?!? Wasn't it just yesterday that we "got off the road" and were getting ready to take a break?

I'm never delusional enough to think a break is actually a "break". It just break from the road and time to get down to business in other areas (mostly writing and reorganizing for the next leg of touring). I mean... there's a whole lot more couch sitting, which is a tad more comfy than van bench sittin... but it's all about the same. :)

But Good Lord! I am already doing laundry and starting to think ahead for when we leave next week to head back out. I'm not nearly as accomplished as I had hoped to be by this point. But I am feeling more inspired and more centered in where I want to be.

Being able to visualize more clearly is a huge step. I have seen it for so long in such a general sense. But puzzle pieces are starting to fall into place. And that's a good feeling.

Here's to 2011!!!!

Peace. Love. Fiddle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay, it's me : )

I caught some fellars russlin cows and lurned they is in the Moofia !!

The Ef Bee Eye done put me in the Wit Less protecion program !!

I got a free wig and everythin !!

If you see someone peeking from behind the curtains of your concerts it just might be me !!

(Top Seekrit hush puppies - with my wig I sort of look like Aunt Bee with a beard : )

Peace, Love, and Tons of Fun in the year Two OH! One! One!

January 13, 2011 at 9:00 AM  
Blogger Pennsylvania State Trooper Fans Of Natalie said...

Hey Secret !!

We want you to know we got your back when you come through beautiful PA !!

Of course as you might say we will be very "distractored" when our very pretty Nat is around, but we'll also do our best to protect you from those Moofia clowns !!

January 13, 2011 at 9:07 AM  
Blogger Cuzzin Cantelope said...

Oh My Gosh !!

Sweet cantelope consumption will be way down until Farm Boy returns !!

Maybe Nat can fit some lopes in Trailor Swift and sell them at her concerts, BUT that will be a problem this summer because Nat is so sweet she's always surrounded by butterflies and bees !!

Maybe we can sell lots of lopes on Bee Bay : )

January 13, 2011 at 9:13 AM  

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